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2024 Preservation Gaston Awards Nomination Form

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Nominee Information

This is the person, organization or project you think should be recognized. For a PROJECT, include project name and owner/rep name.
Nominee Address
Nominee Email Address

Nominator Information

This is the person who is submitting the nomination.
Nominator Address
Nominator Email Address

Award Category

Which award are you submitting a nomination for?
Please do not submit multiple nominations for the same person/project. If you are unsure which award is the best fit, please contact us.

Nomination Narrative

A concise, accurate narrative of 500 words or less about the individual, organization, or project being nominated in Microsoft Word format. Please describe: (1) brief historic significance; (2) problem / need; (3) project / solution / outcome; (4) future plans or phases, if applicable. Please be sure to mention how principles of historic preservation were utilized in the project (i.e.: historic wood windows were retained and restored). If nominating an individual or organization, please provide qualifying background and list relevant historic preservation experience/projects to indicate the breadth of experience.
How would you like to submit?
You can either upload the file, or share a link so we can download the file (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.).

Nomination Photos

At least 10 photos in JPEG or PNG format (300 dpi and HI-RESOLUTION) of presentation quality. This means the file size of the photograph should be at least 800 KB to 1MB file size. The photos are used during the presentation of the award. Please make sure the images provide the best representation of the nomination. These photos should illustrate your nomination from start to finish. For example, if you are nominating a project, please include before and after images. If your nomination mentions a specific feature or person, please make sure there is a corresponding picture to illustrate. Printed photos will not be accepted. Ideally, your submission should include between 10-15 high-quality images of the project/person you are nominating. DO NOT SUBMIT ARTICLES (NEWSPAPER OR OTHERWISE) AS IMAGES.
How would you like to submit?
You can either upload the files, or share a link so we can download the files (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.).

Photo Caption File

This can be a PDF or Word document but it needs to include a list of all the images you submit (identify each image by the file name) and credits/source details for each photo. The captions should clearly describe what is being illustrated. Please include a credit line for every image you submit, exactly as it should be printed. Please keep in mind that the award committee will likely not be familiar with your project or know what they are looking at. Indicate if an image is a “before” or an “after.” If nominating a person, please include several pictures of the person in action for the role you want to be recognized.
How would you like to submit?
You can either upload the file, or share a link so we can download the file (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.).

Supporting Materials

Up to five (5) supporting materials including: letters of support, news articles, videos, etc. Other potential supporting documents may include but are not limited to Historic Register nomination excerpts (do not attach the full nomination), construction drawings, and brochures. Letters of support are strongly recommended to demonstrate community support. If your supporting material is a VIDEO, please upload a Word document or PDF that contains a link to where the video may be viewed (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.). Any IMAGES or SCANS should be JPEG or PNG format only.
How would you like to submit?
You can either upload the files, or share a link so we can download the files (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.).
Preservation Gaston | Photo by Tom Hauer